Greek Mythology Wiki
Constantine Volanakis Argo

The Argo by Konstantinos Volanakis


The Argonauts were the crew of a ship called the Argo , famous from the myth of Jason and his quest for the Golden Fleece.

Crew of the Argo

  1. Admetus
  2. Akastus
  3. Aktor (son of Hippas)
  4. Aethalides
  5. Amphidamas
  6. Amphion (son of Hyperasius)
  7. Ankaeus
  8. Ankaeus
  9. Areius
  10. Argus (builder of Argo)
  11. Argus (son of Phrixus)
  12. Askalaphus
  13. Asklepios
  14. Asterion (son of Kometes)
  15. Asterius (brother of Amphion)
  16. Atalanta
  17. Augeias
  18. Autolykus (son of Deimachus)
  19. Bellerophon
  20. Boutes
  21. Deukalion of Krete
  22. Ekhion
  23. Erginus (son of Poseidon)
  24. Erybotes
  25. Euphemus
  26. Euryalus
  27. Eurydamas
  28. Eurymedon (son of Dionysus)
  29. Eurytion (King of Pnthia)
  30. Eurytus (son of Hermes)
  31. Herakles (son of Zeus)
  32. Hippalkimus
  33. Hylas
  34. Ialmenus
  35. Idas
  36. Idmon
  37. Iolaus (nephew of Herakles)
  38. Iphitos
  39. Jason
  40. Kalais (son of Boreas)
  41. Kaeneus (son of Koronus)
  42. Kanthus
  43. Kastor (son of Tyndareus; twin and half-brother of Polydeukes)
  44. Kepheus, King of Tegea
  45. Klytius (son of Eurytus)
  46. Koronus (son of Kaeneus)
  47. Kytissorus
  48. Laërtes (Father of Odysseus)
  49. Laokoön (half-brother of Oeneus and tutor of Meleager)
  50. Leitus
  51. Leodokus
  52. Lynkeus
  53. Medea (joined when the Fleece was recovered)
  54. Melas
  55. Meleager
  56. Menoitios
  57. Mopsus
  58. Nauplius
  59. Neleus (Son of Hippokoon)
  60. Nestor
  61. Oileus
  62. Orpheus
  63. Palaemon
  64. Palaimonius (son of Hephaestus)
  65. Peleus
  66. Peneleos
  67. Perseus (son of Zeus, slayer of Medusa)
  68. Periklymenus (grandson of Poseidon)
  69. Phalerus
  70. Phanus (brother of Staphylus and Eurymedon)
  71. Philoktetes
  72. Phlias (son of Dionysus)
  73. Phokus
  74. Phrontis
  75. Poeas
  76. Presbon
  77. Prias (brother of Phokus)
  78. Polydeukes (son of Zeus)
  79. Polyphemus
  80. Staphylus
  81. Talaus
  82. Telamon
  83. Thersanon (son of Helios and Leucothoe)
  84. Theseus (son of Poseidon and slayer of the Minotaur)
  85. Tiphys
  86. Zetes (son of Boreas)
1024px-Krater Niobid Painter A Louvre G341

Gathering of the Argonauts, Attic red-figure krater, 460–450 BC, Louvre
